Monday, June 11, 2012

smoking kills


     Every eight seconds someone's life is ceased due to smoking tobacco. Smoking does not only hurt you,it hurts the people around you also. Second hand smoke can cause cancer just from being exposed to the tanted air. We are all aware of what it does to our body ,but people like Bryan,the man in this video, ignore the high risk of death they put themselves in everytime they inhale the toxics from tobacco. His friends and family were in mourn after his death. For some backwards reasoning his friends went to have a smoke after being a witness of how their friend suffered to death from smoking. The rapid deaths caused from smoking will not stop until people realize they're not only hurting themselves but they're the people around them who care and love them greatly. Due to Bryan’s early addiction his wife and son now have to miss out on having a father and a husband. I feel it is selfish of people to smoke knowing the risk. Smoking destorys our Earth by polluting it and it seize people away from their family and friends. Life is shorter enough as it is! I am clueless upon the fact why people are not mentally strong and intelligent enough to say no to smoking . There is nothing appealing about it. It smells disgusting and scientist has given more than enough information of consequences of those who smoke. The one “good” thing is that it helps cope with stress . The value of life is plenty reason not to depend on smoking to cope with stress because that moment of relief is not worth the suffering yourself and everyone around you has to deal with.

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